
Dear Colleague, 

These are my notes. The app represents all the details live collected so that I could organize and find the guidance I need to evaluate and manage patients around surgery when called upon to do so. My notes try to address every question that I've found arises in preoperative evaluation. Since I need this guidance myself in outpatient and hospital primary care, I figure others probably need the guidance, too, so that they don't have to refer to dozens of individual scattered documents. Thus I'm sharing my notes with anyone who wants the help. 

This tool provides decision-support information to assist you in evaluating and managing patients before and after surgery. Information is gathered from major authoritative sources on these topics, often supported by extensive evidence which you can review in the source guidelines (see references). I have tried to faithfully present the recommendations and guidance of others and not to substitute my own judgement.

This app relies on the fact that you know the goals and agendas for preoperative evaluation. The app is no substitute for knowledge, training, and experience in this work. The app is merely a quick reference of reminders and updates on material you already know. 

And like any other general guide, this tool suggests how you might approach preop evaluation for the average patient, but it may not tell you what to do for the unique patient before you now in your unique setting. So remember, use this as merely a general starting point and then tailor your care to your patient in your setting in your community with your resources.